The philosophical question No 1 "Where are we from?" is now solved at least for the last 10 000 years.
We, the german resp. the european male living beings, or more precisely - our ancestors - come from the Near East!
So in visiting Israel we are visiting close relatives!
The scientific proof is given here
The scientists investigated the Y-chromosome, which is independent of the mother, the son gets it from his father, who got it from his father and so on.
Obviously the german girls liked the clever near-east -farmer-boys more than the german blondinim ;-)
The longer version of the scientists:
Arguably the most important cultural transition in the history of modern humans was the development of farming, since it heralded the population growth that culminated in our current massive population size. The genetic diversity of modern populations retains the traces of such past events, and can therefore be studied to illuminate the demographic processes involved in past events. Much debate has focused on the origins of agriculture in Europe some 10,000 years ago, and in particular whether its westerly spread from the Near East was driven by farmers themselves migrating, or by the transmission of ideas and technologies to indigenous hunter-gatherers. This study examines the diversity of the paternally inherited Y chromosome, focusing on the commonest lineage in Europe. The distribution of this lineage, the diversity within it, and estimates of its age all suggest that it spread with farming from the Near East. Taken with evidence on the origins of other lineages, this indicates that most European Y chromosomes descend from Near Eastern farmers. In contrast, most maternal lineages descend from hunter-gatherers, suggesting a reproductive advantage for farming males over indigenous hunter-gatherer males during the cultural transition from hunting-gathering to farming.